Comments Posted By Iraq - there is nothing more we can do!
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[...] What none of these wingers ever ask is how much more can the US do and how much longer can they do it. The answers - not much and not much longer. The troops are doing everything they have been asked to do but with multiple deployments and 15 month deployments they are exhausted both in body and spirit. I was in the military from 1968 to 1971. You knew you were going to Vietnam once - for 12 months unless you volunteered to go again. You knew you were going to be able to leave the military after 2 or 3 years, no stop loss. That kept the moral up and I can’t imagine what the moral must be in the military now. So how many troops would have to stay for how long to make any improvement in the situation? The reality is Iraq is no closer to a functional government now than it was that famous “purple finger” election three years ago. In fact the situation has continued to deteriorate since then. Rick Moran has a good post that subject, SUCCESS IN A VACUUM. Although I question the claims of any long term military success ne does spell out the total failure of the Iraqis to form a government. The military successes we’ve had are taking place in a political vacuum. The government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki continues to wallow in sectarianism, incompetence, corruption, and a curious lethargy when it comes to addressing the issues that absolutely must be addressed if Iraq is to have a chance at internal peace. To wit: [...]

Comment Posted By Iraq - there is nothing more we can do! On 8.07.2007 @ 23:53

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